Krinkels, you're the king!!!
I just looooooooooove this game. I play it rather frequently. Just so you know, I noticed that when you grab the minigun, it looks as if it's beeing held in a left hand while it's actually in a right hand (Just pointing this out.). You should probably have more character designs. For instance, Hank's look in Madness #'s 5, 4 and 3 (I DO like the other Madness movies, but, Hank's teeth in #6 look kinda creepy. Speaking of the original Madness series, I'm TOTALLY looking forward to #7!!! - Please finish that and submit it ASAP.). Any of Al's looks (except for the first one.), Steve Queenston's look from any "Madness Elimination" movie (except for the first one.), Maximum Ninja, Mick Lee's look from both of the "Destination" movies. Some sort of extra Head bandage, the Deputy's hat from the Madness Mini series (Oh, and, at the part where you find the sheriff, have the deputy be there, too instead of that other dude.), and some sort of extra torso bandage. Also, have it so your character can be either right or left handed. So, as an example, if he's right-handed, he'll hold weapons in his right hand, or, if he's left-handed, he'll hold weapons in his left hand. Also, when he holds bigger weapons (e.g. Shotguns, Assult rifles, (Bigger) sub-machine guns), he'll hold it in the hand he holds weapons in the hand he holds weapons in, the other hand holds the front-ish area. Maybe include a chainsaw, a sniper, a sword, a health bar for if you're gonna have lives. (Also, show another health bar for Jebus appear when you face him, 'cause he's like a boss.) That's it.