A rich man and a poor man were chatting together. They eventually started talking about presents, with the poor man asking "What did you buy your wife for Christmas?"
The rich man answers "I got her a diamond ring and a new Mercedes."
Feeling confused, the poor man follows up with "Why did you get her both?"
The rich man explains "Well, if she doesn't like the ring, she can return it using the Mercedes and still be happy. How about you? Tell me what you bought your wife."
The poor man replies "I got her a pair of slippers and a dildo."
Not understanding this, the Rich man questions "Why did you get her both?"
The poor man's response was "If she doesn't like the slippers, she can go fuck herself."
- Crazymonkey154
Sopranos is great. Happy Holidays :)
Crazymonkey154 (Updated )
I initially came across the joke on Reddit, and before reading your comment, I had no idea that show told this as well. Good find there!