
199 Movie Reviews

66 w/ Responses

Another fantastic creation! We've seen Deimos and Hank in purgatory (or wherever else they went after being killed), so it's only fair to explore Sanford there for a change. He kicked lots of ass there and seemed to get better once obtaining a new hook. Here are my questions:

1. How could the dude see anything after a large agent seemed to gouge out both of his eyes, though?
2. When Doc tried to bring him back, was it the Auditor who blocked all three attempts before the "Ouch" bit?
3. By saying Hank could slip "consequences of his injuries once again", does that mean this guy was just barely alive here and simply not moving? I wasn't sure what the "dissonant" percentages were supposed to represent.
4. Are the last two large enemies just rogues without any allegiance given how they attack Sanford and also willingly kill an ATP agent?

Whatever your answers might be, I look forward to seeing what our main trio does next against the Auditor! Keep up the great work.

Not bad overall. You've got some smooth animating skills. The mostly-white color scheme is something I haven't seen in years, so props for shaking things up there. While it would've been nice to see the protagonist kill more enemies, my bigger qualm is that it comes off as lazy to deliberately not include feet. I get that animating walk movements can be a pain, but you can still have characters jump and fall with those, which are much simpler to make. You overall get a better finished product with feet than without.

You've got some impressive visuals, and the movements were nicely done for someone just standing still with a breeze. However, it feels like a missed opportunity to not see him in action. I would've loved to see much more than just him staying in the same spot. It seems like this was originally made as the type of animated artwork one would see in a GIF file. If you wanted to submit a freeze frame of it to the art portal, then I think you would've gotten better results, but either way I commend the efforts vested into your final product.

CinnamonPatty responds:

Result would be different, If I planned it as a picture
I planned it to be animated from the beginning, including for practice
After all, it's second anim that I made in this year
But thanks for the comm

A very amusing parody of the main madness series! Filled with lots of humor. Part of me wishes it could've extended to MC9 onwards, and I feel the MC2 loops were a bit much, but I still got a nice laugh overall. Based on the last sequence with Sun and that monologue from the Auditor substitute on fame/starting over with other actors, is this supposed to serve as a prequel to what Krinkels made? Either way, I kind of feel sorry for Alf when frequently getting confused with Cat.

Djjaner responds:

Yes, you guessed it right and thanks for great review! Happy madness day.

Started in 2014, huh? No wonder certain scenes looked familiar. Still, your efforts paid off quite well, with both Sanford and Deimos kicking lots of asses! This was smoothly animated and definitely is the first time I've seen them disguised as their enemies. Pretty clever idea there and it does explain how they managed to kill so many without harm (most grunts and ATP engineers aren't nearly as skilled). I just wish there was more interaction between the duo before the conclusion. You minimally could've had them shown on screen towards the beginning split off towards different entrances before alternating focus between them. Oh well.

While I admittedly was weirded out by the spacing of feet as those tend to be closer to bodies in Madness animations, and would've preferred for them to not be so far off, you have a very unique entry! It was fascinating how the protagonist could quickly regenerate missing body parts and have them show as transparent organs. Him collasping afterwards was inevitable given how much energy was consumed to do so. He put up one hell of a fight. Great work!

"The Secret Box" is a classic SpongeBob episode, and the way you used its audio here was both amusing and saddening at the same time. I like how it plays into how Sanford genuinely didn't recognize Deimos with that ATP mask at first during MC9. The latter is lucky this didn't lead to any attacks or falling out. Very creative mix, and of course they're best friends! Nice fluid movements too. The one thing I might've done differently was changing things so their actual names are used in your animation, but that's just a minor quibble. Not nearly enough to detract from my overall enjoyment.

Great work to everyone involved, and I'm happy to have taken part in it! The only gripe I had was my username being partially cut off in my scene and how the font got messed up. Too bad I didn't think to use a different style or break apart the text to avoid formatting issues. Oh well. Anyway, my favorite parts from the other participants were Hank bouncing a head like a basketball, and ripping off the cross from someone else's face! Both were definitely ideas I hadn't seen before. Shifting gravity was fun too. Mr. Wimbleton had quite an adventure, and I love how everybody else's parts seemlessly connected to one another!

Another episode well worth waiting for! Both the MC6 Hank and the MC7 Hank were badasses that wouldn't go down without a fight. I'm confused as to how both can exist as separate entities, though; did the 2BDamned guy try to replicate the latter's look when injecting some device into a corpse? Before showing the two on screen simultaneously, I thought the MC6 version just abruptly changed appearances off-camera. Some explanation on this (and how the dead MC7 edition appeared in that revival chamber when MC6 version got extracted) would help. In any case, I really liked how Tricky used a chainsaw on that giant dude (a very gorey death) and could spawn some sort of demon! The "Turn around, you dingdong" bit was also amusing :P. You seem to like taking the mind-screw path here. In any case, let the violence continue, and best wishes for your future projects!

Your creation kicks major ass! In addition to recreating some scenes of MC5 shot-for-shot, I like how you built on it with Sanford, Deimos, and 2BDamned helping Hank out more. The lattermost was quite a surprise, and same with how our protagonist managed to narrowly evade Tricky. He sure got lucky there. The Auditor was wrong about everyone being dead. Will you perhaps elaborate on that with a future animation?

jeremotas responds:

Maybe ill do MC6R, but it would be something different from the OG MC6, cause events changed

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